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Spanish customer produces 1500 kg per day of fodder containers

M is from Spain. He has a large ranch with about 5000 dairy sheep and his own cheese brand. Now he is looking for a better food source for his dairy sheep, so as to improve the health level of dairy sheep and the nutritional value of dairy products, so as to improve the quality of cheese. M learned about our 1,500kg fodder container through our Google website, and through further communication with our sale, he confirmed that this product is the perfect production equipment for hydroponic fodder of dairy sheep that he wants.
According to our planting data, hydroponic highland barley adopts our fodder container and planting technology, the plant-harvest ratio can reach 1:10, and the seed cost is greatly reduced. Standard 40HQ container, daily output up to 1500kg.
Spanish customer produces 1500 kg per day of fodder containers

For our hydroponic fodder containers:

1. Can be placed anywhere.

2. Turnkey products, no need for secondary installation, can work directly after connecting water and electricity.

3. 24 hours planting all year round, stable yield and cost.

4, can be customized according to customer design requirements of the container machine.

The Spanish customer soon paid the deposit, and now the production of the factory is coming to an end. After the customer receives the goods, we will provide technical guidance throughout the process.

Spanish customer produces 1500 kg per day of fodder containers02

Product Details:hydroponic fodder system

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