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Container Hydroponic Fodder: Year-Round Portable Fodder Production Technology


Hydroponics is a method of planting plants in water-based nutrient rich solutions and is widely used in vertical agriculture. This method allows plant roots to come into direct contact with nutrient solutions, while also obtaining oxygen, effectively eliminating bacteria and harmful substances in the soil, thus achieving true green food production. We have all heard of hydroponic vegetables and flowers, but we rarely hear of hydroponic grasses. The emergence of hydroponic fodder has alleviated the problems in planting and animal husbandry.

The current shortage of arable land and water resources not only affects agricultural development, but also has a significant impact on animal husbandry. Cultivated land resources directly affect animal feed production, and herdsmen have to spend high prices to purchase feed, which will greatly reduce profit margins. Hydroponic fodder is a method of cultivating forage with water and nutrient solution, which can complete a growth cycle in one week. Hydroponic fodder can be grown in hydroponic fodder containers or plant factories.

Hydroponic Fodder System

Container hydroponic fodder is a method of manually controlling environmental factors such as light, humidity, and temperature to set the optimal growth medium for plants. Many people are concerned about how to plant hydroponic fodder in containers? Is the hydroponic fodder grown nutritious? Is the profit of establishing a hydroponic fodder container high? Let's take a look together?

Is hydroponic fodder of high nutritional value?

Hydroponic fodder grow in containers with controllable temperature and humidity, and are supplied with various nutrients for growth and development through water and specially designed nutrient solutions. In addition, they are not affected by pests or diseases within the container, so there is no need to spray pesticides. Hydroponic fodder mainly involves harvesting barley seedlings in 7 days, and one kilogram of seeds can be converted into 8 kilograms of forage within a week after sowing. At the same time, its protein content is 31.0%, amino acid content is 1.20%, and it is rich in various enzymes and minerals such as chlorophyll and vitamins.Compared to traditional feed, it has higher nutritional value and is easily digestible by cows and sheep, with a digestion rate of over 90%. Regardless of the season, it can increase weight. Hydroponic grazing livestock will never waste even if eaten, including the roots.

Hydroponic Fodder System

Can container hydroponic grazing increase herdsmen's income?

Some African countries suffer from severe water shortages, and farmers are unable to grow crops to raise livestock. Buying feed is also too expensive, resulting in low returns for herders. Container hydroponic fodder can be produced year-round anywhere, and this planting technique is easy to master. The entire feed production only takes 6 to 7 days, with high water resource utilization. Growing 1 kilogram of feed requires 3-4 liters of water. And it does not occupy arable land, alleviating the problem of land disputes between herdsmen and farmers.

In some foreign countries, hydroponic fodder has been widely used, and its advantages are gradually showing in front of us. Bringing a new turning point to animal husbandry.

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