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Hydroponic Tower System in British Classrooms: Introducing Hydroponics Technology into the Classroom


A university professor from England quoted our hydroponic tower in class, and left a message on our Google official website saying that he is a university professor. At present, he plans to introduce hydroponic technology into the classroom. The customer consulted the 4p6 and 6P7 tower respectively, and finally thought that the 4P6 tower system was more compact and beautiful. Because of the transportation time, the customer hesitated for two days. On the third day, the customer decided to place an order. After receiving the goods, the customer put them in the laboratory for seedling cultivation. After transplanting them into the tower, the customer brought them into the classroom. The customer feedback said that the students liked it very much, and the classroom atmosphere was very active, and the customer was very satisfied.

4P6 hydroponic tower system

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