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Italian customer 4P6 Tower System


Our Italian customer was initially very interested in our Microgreen System, so we provided them with a detailed introduction to the Microgreen System. At the same time, the customer was asked about their planting needs and expressed their desire to plant green leafy vegetables on the balcony. After learning that the customer wants to grow green leafy vegetables, we introduced them to other planting systems that are more suitable for growing green leafy vegetables, and sent the product catalog to the customer for their understanding. We also explained the planting types inside.

4P6 Tower System

At the same time, we emphasized our patents, CE certificates, etc., showcasing our company's products and capabilities. Finally, the customer is very interested in our tower system. After communication, the customer wants to buy a 4p6 tower system as a sample. After the customer placed the order, we immediately shipped the goods to the customer. We hope that the customer can receive feedback on the goods as soon as possible.

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