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Oman Dutch Bucket Greenhouse Project


A client from Oman has been planting tomatoes in a greenhouse before, using the Dutch bucket system. He has extensive planting experience and a large scale of cultivation. But customers have always had a difficult problem to solve, with temperatures in the Middle East reaching over 50 degrees Celsius in summer, making it impossible to plant even in greenhouses, resulting in expensive summer vegetables and becoming a vicious cycle. The customer thinks that if this problem can be solved, they can achieve greater profits.

Dutch Bucket

The customer approached us and hoped that we could provide a solution. After research and discussion, our technical team created an indoor farm planting method for the customer, which also uses the Dutch bucket system to plant in an environment where temperature, humidity, light, and carbon dioxide are intelligently controlled, ensuring that it is not affected by the external environment. The project is currently under construction, and if the operation results are good, the client will continue to expand the scale of production.

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