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Australian Customers Purchase 10 Zipper Hydroponics Systems

Australian customers operate their own farms locally, providing hydroponic green fresh organic vegetables to restaurants and supermarkets. In the past, the customer used the local hydroponic tower system to grow lettuce and other green leafy vegetables, but the effect was not very good. Therefore, the customer wants to expand his business scope and planting types. After recommendation, the Zipper planting system can grow more types, such as green leafy vegetables, strawberries, peppers, etc., so the customer finally chose the Zip planting system. According to the customer's planting site, we designed the floor plan for the customer.

The customer sent us an inquiry with very precise requirements. Based on the customer's origin information and aiming to achieve the customer's maximum planting volume, we provided the customer with our professional suggestions and quotations. The customer readily accepted and praised our professionalism. After checking the shipping cost for the customer, the customer decided to place an order for 10 zip hydroponic systems.

Australian Customers Purchase 10 Zipper Hydroponics Systems


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