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UAE customer repurchases 10 hydroponic tower systems

The customer is from the United Arab Emirates and is a group company whose subsidiaries are engaged in agriculture-related businesses.
The customer contacted us on Alibaba in January, expressing interest in our aeroponic tower system and wanting to distribute this product. Our aeroponic tower can grow a variety of hydroponic vegetables, not only suitable for indoor and outdoor household use, but also suitable for commercial hydroponic farms. Each layer of the tower is a whole and can be stacked to effectively utilize the vertical planting space. The customer ended up purchasing a sample set 6P7 model with lights.
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The customer was very satisfied after receiving the sample and testing, and he has his potential customers has interest to buy. So the customer placed an order for 10 sets of 6P7 tower with lights in April. The new order is currently in transit and we look forward to customers receiving them soon.
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Product Details:hydroponic tower system
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