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What hydroponic system is suitable for greenhouse vegetable cultivation?

Growing hydroponic vegetables in a greenhouse is the choice of many people. In January, the vegetables in our greenhouse project in Wuhan can be said to have a bumper harvest, and the hydroponic vegetables are growing very well!

This greenhouse project adopts zipper system, NFT system and matrix cultivation. We can see from the pictures that these hydroponic methods are very good and suitable for greenhouses.

Zipper system: With wheels at the bottom, it can be moved flexibly. Vertical planting saves space, especially for large-scale planting. Vegetables will be beautiful when they are mature. The zipper system can grow a variety of green leafy vegetables, flowers and herbs, and those who like this hydroponic system can try planting.

zip growing system

NFT system: We have a tiled NFT system and a vertical NFT system. The tiled NFT system is more suitable for large-scale planting. It is very convenient to clean and manage. This hydroponic system is the first choice of many people.

NFT system

Substrate cultivation: Substrate cultivation is more suitable for vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. You can use common equipment such as Dutch buckets, substrate bags and strawberry troughs for planting.

Substrate cultivation

Which hydroponic growing method do you prefer? Welcome to exchange.

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